- Club Penguin Hints, Cheats and Secrets

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

New Penguin Band Player Cards

Today while I was searching through the Club Penguin files I saw a picture of all 4 Penguin Bands new Player Cards. Here is the picture I took and hope you enjoy it :)


Giamz said...

Hey working on possible new header fr you to see if you like it! XD Should be done by end of week. XD

Giamz XD

Giamz said...

Also by the way how do you get copyright? XD Just wondered. XD And also do you have to pay for it? XD

Giamz XD

Coolpiggy11 said...

Thanks and I can get free copyright for free and it's really good :)


Giamz said...

Can you put on an outfit you like now? XD

Giamz XD

Spike91347 said...

Hey coolpiggy11 and giamz I was wondering if you wanted to join my blog. If you do please reply here or to And coolpiggy11 can you please put this on these comments pages so giamz can see. THANKS.

Anonymous said...

Coolpiggy, it is me Sully. Great to see your blog is sucsessful!