- Club Penguin Hints, Cheats and Secrets

Friday, 17 June 2011

Music Jam Items 2011

Today Club Penguin has released new some items for the Music Jam Party 2011 and I will give you the whereabouts of these items. 

Music Jam Cap

1. Open the map and go to the Cove like so


2. Find the box which is in the picture below

3. Walk over it and up will pop this message and click YES

Detail: There is a special dance when you wear only the hat shown in the animation below


1. Open your map and go to the Town

2. Go in the Night Club and go up the stairs

3. Go into the lift up to the rooftop (Tip: You need the 2011 All Access Pass to get in)

4. Find the box shown below

5. Walk over the box and click YES

Detail: The Boombox has a special dance when you wear it by itself and here is an animation I put together of it

Music Swirl Tee & Music Catalog Instruments

1. Go to the Dock

2. Go Backstage

3. Find the box shown in the picture below

4. Walk over it and click YES

Detail: There is a special dance when the Music Swirl Tee is worn with the Music Jam Hat and here is an animation of the dance

Also Backstage there is a Music Catalog and to open it stand beside the box shown below

Up will come the Music Catalog and here is a picture of it

There is one cheat by clicking the word MUSIC in MUSIC CATALOG. Look in the picture below to see what I mean

Shirts Rock & Merch Booths

There are 3 Booths (while 2 are the same) on the Island, one is at the Snow Forts while the other is at the Ski Village. Here is where you can find the places on the map + where the booth is in each room


This is the items inside these booths

Also there is 1 other Booth which is located in the Iceberg. Again I will show you where its position on the map and the room is

This is what is inside the booth

Unfortunately that's all the cheats for this year and I hoped this helped you get all the items :) Goodbye :)



Giamz said...

BTW the header may take a little longer than planned: school's been busy this week! XD (i.e Exam Week! XS) I hate exams! XS Don't you? XD

Giamz XD

Coolpiggy11 said...

That's ok Giamz it's not your fault! XD By the way I had exams all last week (XS) but now they're over (XD) and I couldn't blog for a while so it's cool! XD

~Coolpiggy11 XD