- Club Penguin Hints, Cheats and Secrets

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Coolpiggy11 has left!!!!

Sorry guys Coolpiggy11 has left this blog but you may find him on his new blog and other blog's! Goodbye and Waddle On!  


Wednesday, 22 June 2011

You Decide: Animal Costume

Hello Penguins! 

While the Music Jam party continues on the island, we thought it was time for something a little different here on the blog.

We wanted to show you a few costume ideas the team's been working on. We want YOU to decide which items we should make for an event in September!

Vote for your favorite... The team will work on the two items that get the most votes.blog_110621.jpgLet us know about which item you'd like to see in the comments! 

Until then...Waddle on! 

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

New Club Penguin Chat Box

Here is new the new chat box for tracking :) ~Coolpiggy11

Monday, 20 June 2011

Club Penguin Domain Problem

Today I was trying to log on to when up came a weird message saying that Club Penguin's domain has ran out! Here is a picture of what I mean

You cannot play Club Penguin or do anything else like buy membership


Sunday, 19 June 2011

How To Login To The Tree House From The Medieval Party

Today I found that if you login with the link below you will end up at the tree house from the Medieval Party. Here is the link to get in:

Also here is a picture of me in the room during the Music Jam 2011 but it still is playing the wrong music.


Penguin Band in Club Penguin

Everybody has been asking me is it possible to see the Penguin Band (Apart from at the Iceberg every half an hour which you can read about here) and the answer is... TRUE. To prove it I took a picture of my friends player card and their stamp book which you can see below. 

Thanks to my friend Readred for the pictures and good luck finding the Penguin Band :)


I met Cadence in Server Alpine

Today I logged into Server Alpine because I was trying to advertise my igloo. I went away to get a snack and I came back and Cadence was in the room. Here are the pics I took of her

I met Cadence before so I couldn't get her background but this is how it looks on my player card
